We shared our winners on Instagram but forgot to share on our website.
Every year we get so many amazing entries for our Colouring Contests. We wish we could choose them all to win, but we can only choose 2. Our first winner is 12 year old Rachel. She has entered our colouring contest many times over the years, she was definitely due for a win. We are happy she tried one more time. We loved Rachel's creativity this year and knew she had to be one of our winners. She even included our team branding on one of the easter eggs. Thank you again for your entry and Congratulations Rachel, have fun spending your prize.
Our next winner is from Sophia, she also did an amazing job. We love all the pink. Congratulations again Sophia....have fun spending your prize. For everyone else, please watch for our fall newsletter and enter to win our annual Halloween Colouring Contest.
Our 2020 Easter Colouring Contest Winners