Grouse Grind

Grouse Grind

One of the goals my husband and I have had since we started the Insanity program was to do the Grouse Grind. It's been a number of years since we attempted it the last time and it was a struggle then. Probably would have been again, had we tried at the beginning of the summer. Which is why we planned to make the climb near the end of the summer. My husband's goal is to do it in an hour or less, I'm just looking forward to the hike. :) 

I was amazed to see the record on the website as just under 24 minutes. But I was probably more amazed by the number of people we know that do the Grouse Grind quite often. From what I have heard some people actually use it as their daily workout. People of all ages. I remember the 1st time we did it with our eldest and she kept going up ahead anxious for us to catch up. Then when you see an older person pass you on the path, you think if they can do can I! No doubt one of the many things that keeps them young.

Now I am off to get my rest before my alarm awakens me for our exciting day to come!

If you haven't done the Grouse Grind before...I highly recommend checking out there website and trying it at least once!